Source code for py_research.colors

"""Simple & semi-automatic color-system for data visualization purposes."""

import re
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb, rgb_to_hls
from contextvars import ContextVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

from webcolors import IntegerRGB, hex_to_rgb, name_to_rgb, rgb_to_hex
from yaml import CLoader, load

[docs] def default_highlights(): """Return default highlight colors.""" return { 0: "#663399", 1: "#1E90FF", 2: "#3CB371", }
[docs] def default_scales(): """Return default color scale.""" return { 0: [ (0, "#ebf6fa"), (0.01, "#d6edf5"), (0.03, "#99d3e6"), (0.10, "#5cb8d6"), (0.30, "#14d5cc"), (1, "#35d27e"), ], 1: [ (0, "#005b7f"), (0.15, "#39a9cd"), (0.30, "#14d5cc"), (1, "#35d27e"), ], }
[docs] @dataclass class ColorTheme: """Define a color theme. Can be used as context manager to activate the theme.""" highlights: dict[Any, str] = field(default_factory=default_highlights) """Highlight colors for different, known categories.""" scales: dict[Any, list[tuple[float, str]]] = field(default_factory=default_scales) """Named or numbered color sclales.""" def __post_init__(self): # noqa: D105 self.__token = None
[docs] def activate(self): """Set this as the current theme.""" self.__token = active_theme.set(self)
def __enter__(self): # noqa: D105 self.activate() return self def __exit__(self, *_): # noqa: D105 if self.__token is not None: active_theme.reset(self.__token)
active_theme: ContextVar[ColorTheme] = ContextVar( "active_color_theme", default=ColorTheme() ) def _parse_css_color(color: str) -> IntegerRGB: if (rgb_match := re.match(r"^rgb\(([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+)\)$", color)) is not None: return IntegerRGB(*(int(val) for val in rgb_match.groups()[0].split(","))) elif re.match(r"^#[0-9abcdefABCDEF]{3,6}$", color) is not None: return hex_to_rgb(color) else: try: return name_to_rgb(color) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError(f"CSS color definition not recognized: {color}") from exc def _integer_rgb_to_float(color: IntegerRGB) -> tuple[float, float, float]: return ( / 255, / 255, / 255) def _float_to_integer_rgb(color: tuple[float, float, float]) -> IntegerRGB: return IntegerRGB(*(int(c * 255) for c in color)) def _adjust_lightness(color: IntegerRGB, lightness: float) -> IntegerRGB: hls = rgb_to_hls(*_integer_rgb_to_float(color)) changed = (hls[0], lightness, hls[2]) return _float_to_integer_rgb(hls_to_rgb(*changed))
[docs] def get_theme() -> ColorTheme: """Return active color theme (may be derived from current execution context).""" return active_theme.get()
[docs] def to_bg_color(color: str, lightness: float = 0.8) -> str: """Turn a highlight color into a background color.""" return rgb_to_hex(_adjust_lightness(_parse_css_color(color), lightness))
default_file_path = Path(environ.get("COLOR_FILE_PATH") or (Path.cwd() / "colors.yaml")) """Default path to color theme file."""
[docs] def load_from_file(path: Path | str | None = None) -> Path | None: """Load color theme from file. Args: path: Path to file. If None, the default file path is used. Returns: Path to the loaded file, if not given as argument. """ res_path = path or default_file_path with open(default_file_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: active_theme.set(ColorTheme(**load(f, Loader=CLoader))) if path is None: return Path(res_path)