"""Simple & semi-automatic intl. + localization of data analysis functions."""
from collections.abc import Callable, Generator, Iterable, Mapping
from contextvars import ContextVar
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import partial
from locale import LC_ALL, getlocale, normalize, setlocale
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Literal, ParamSpec, TypeVar, cast
import pandas as pd
from babel import Locale, UnknownLocaleError
from babel.dates import (
from babel.numbers import format_decimal
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass as pydantic_dataclass
from typing_extensions import Self
from yaml import CLoader, load
from py_research.caching import get_cache
from py_research.enums import StrEnum
from py_research.geo import Country, CountryScheme, GeoScheme
from py_research.hashing import gen_int_hash
cache = get_cache()
K = TypeVar("K")
V = TypeVar("V")
P = ParamSpec("P")
def _merge_ordered_dicts(d: list[dict[K, V]]) -> dict[K, V]:
d = d if len(d) > 0 else [{}]
merged = d[0].copy()
for di in d[1:]:
for k, v in di.items():
merged[k] = v
return merged
class DtUnit(StrEnum):
"""Common datetime units with their LDML pattern strings."""
year = "yyyy"
quarter = "QQQ"
month = "MM"
week = "ww"
week_of_month = "W"
day = "dd"
day_of_year = "DD"
hour = "HH"
minute = "mm"
second = "ss"
millisecond = "SSS"
class Args:
"""Match for args of a text template."""
values: Any = None
all: bool = False
def __hash__(self) -> int: # noqa: D105
return gen_int_hash(asdict(self))
def match(self, args: tuple) -> float:
"""Check whether given args match this match."""
if self.all:
return 1
values = self.values if isinstance(self.values, tuple | list) else [self.values]
if len(args) != len(values):
return 0
matchers = [v if isinstance(v, set) else {v} for v in values]
return max(
(1 / len(matcher) if arg in matcher else 0)
for arg, matcher in zip(args, matchers)
class Template:
"""Override for a text template."""
replace: str | None = None
"""Replace template with this template string."""
wrap: str | None = None
"""Wrap template with this template string."""
args: tuple | dict[int, Any] | None = None
"""Replace (some) args."""
def apply_tmpl(self, tmpl: str) -> str | None:
"""Apply this template to given template string and args."""
return (
if self.wrap is not None
else self.replace if self.replace is not None else None
def apply_args(self, args: tuple) -> tuple | None:
"""Apply this template to given args."""
return (
if isinstance(self.args, tuple)
else (
tuple(self.args[i] if i in self.args else a for i, a in enumerate(args))
if isinstance(self.args, dict)
else None
class Overrides:
"""Custom, language-dependent text overrides."""
templates: Mapping[
str, str | Template | dict[str | tuple | Args, str | Template]
] = field(default_factory=dict)
"""Template overrides by name."""
vocabulary: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
"""Term overrides."""
format: Format = field(default_factory=Format)
"""Overrides for formatting."""
def merge(self, other: Self) -> Self:
"""Merge and override ``self`` with ``other``."""
texts = {}
for name in set(self.templates.keys()).union(other.templates.keys()):
self_texts = self.templates.get(name, {})
other_texts = other.templates.get(name, {})
texts[name] = _merge_ordered_dicts(
if isinstance(self_texts, dict)
else {
Args(all=True): (
if isinstance(self_texts, str)
else self_texts
if isinstance(other_texts, dict)
else {
Args(all=True): (
if isinstance(other_texts, str)
else other_texts
return cast(
vocabulary=_merge_ordered_dicts([self.vocabulary, other.vocabulary]),
def _get_default_locale() -> Locale:
"""Get default locale, falling back to English."""
return Locale.parse(normalize(getlocale()[0] or "en_US"), sep="_")
except UnknownLocaleError:
return Locale("en", "US")
_ldml_to_posix = {
"a": "%p", # AM or PM
"dd": "%d", # day of month, padded
"d": "%e", # day of month, unpadded
"DDD": "%j", # day of year, padded
"DD": "%-j", # day of year, unpadded
"D": "%-j", # day of year, unpadded
"EEEE": "%A", # weekday
"hh": "%I", # 12-hour time, padded
"h": "%-I", # 12-hour time, unpadded
"HH": "%H", # 24-hour time, padded
"H": "%-H", # 24-hour time, unpadded
"MMMM": "%B", # month: name, full
"MMM": "%b", # month name, short
"MM": "%m", # month, padded
"M": "%-m", # month, unpadded
"mm": "%M", # minute, padded
"m": "%-M", # minute, unpadded
"ss": "%S", # second, padded
"s": "%-S", # second, unpadded
"yyyy": "%Y", # year, full
"yy": "%y", # year, two-digit
"y": "%Y", # year, full
"Z": "%Z", # timezone
"zzzz": "%Z", # timezone
"z": "%Z", # timezone
"SSSSSS": "%f", # microseconds
def _match_ldml_to_posix(ldml: str) -> tuple[int, str] | None:
for k in _ldml_to_posix:
pos = ldml.find(k)
if pos != -1:
return pos, k
return None
def _ldml_to_posix_format(ldml: str) -> str:
res = _match_ldml_to_posix(ldml)
if res is None:
return ldml
pos, k = res
return (
+ _ldml_to_posix[k]
+ _ldml_to_posix_format(ldml[pos + len(k) :])
@cache.function(id_arg_subset=["lang", "text"])
def _cached_translate(lang: str, text: str, translator: GoogleTranslator | None) -> str:
translator = (
if translator is not None
and translator.source == "en"
and translator.target == lang
else GoogleTranslator(source="en", target=lang)
return translator.translate(text)
class Localization:
"""Locale config, which can be used as a context manager to activate the locale."""
loc: Locale | str | None = None
"""Locale to use for this localization. If None, use parent context's locale."""
overrides: Overrides | dict[Locale, Overrides] | dict[str, Overrides] | None = None
"""Optional translation overrides for the current or other locales."""
show_raw: bool = False
"""Whether to show raw function calls instead of localized text, for debugging."""
def _machine_translate(self, text: str, locale: Locale | None = None) -> str:
return _cached_translate(
locale.language if locale is not None else self.locale.language,
def locale(self) -> Locale:
"""Return first locale found up the parent tree or default locale."""
if self.loc is not None:
return self.loc if isinstance(self.loc, Locale) else Locale.parse(self.loc)
elif self.__parent is not None and self.__parent is not self:
return self.__parent.locale
return _get_default_locale()
def override_dict(self) -> dict[Locale, Overrides]:
"""Return dict of all overrides, keyed by locale string."""
return (
Locale.parse(k, sep=("_" if "_" in k else "-"))
if isinstance(k, str)
else k
): v
for k, v in self.overrides.items()
if isinstance(self.overrides, Mapping)
else {self.locale: self.overrides or Overrides()}
def get_overrides(self, locale: Locale) -> Overrides:
"""Return merger of all the parents' and self's overrides for given locale."""
parent_overrd = (
if self.__parent is not None and self.__parent is not self
else Overrides()
self_overrd = self.override_dict.get(locale, Overrides())
return parent_overrd.merge(self_overrd)
def __post_init__(self): # noqa: D105
self.__parent = None
self.__token = None
self.__translator = GoogleTranslator(source="en", target=self.locale.language)
def activate(self):
"""Set this the as current localization."""
self.__parent = active_localization.get()
self.__token = active_localization.set(self)
setlocale(LC_ALL, str(self.locale))
def __enter__(self): # noqa: D105
return self
def deactivate(self, *_):
"""Reset locale to previous value."""
if self.__token is not None:
if self.__parent is not None:
setlocale(LC_ALL, str(self.__parent.locale))
def __exit__(self, *_): # noqa: D105
# Define custom deepcopy to avoid error when copying `self.__token`.
def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict) -> Self: # noqa: D105
c = Localization(
memo[id(self)] = c
return cast(Self, c)
def term(
term: str,
locale: Locale | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Localize given term.
term: Term to localize.
Locale to use for localization.
Defaults to the currently activated locale.
Localized term.
if self.show_raw:
return f"term('{term}')"
base = self.get_overrides(Locale("en", "US"))
translation = self.get_overrides(locale or self.locale)
if term in translation.vocabulary:
return translation.vocabulary[term]
elif term in base.vocabulary:
return self._machine_translate(base.vocabulary[term], locale)
return self._machine_translate(term, locale)
def _get_template(overrides: Overrides, name: str, args: tuple) -> Template:
texts = overrides.templates.get(name, {})
texts = texts if isinstance(texts, dict) else {Args(all=True): texts}
matches: dict[float, str | Template] = {}
for match, tmpl in texts.items():
matcher = (
if isinstance(match, Args)
else Args(set(match) if isinstance(match, tuple) else match)
score = matcher.match(args)
if score > 0:
matches[score] = tmpl
template = matches[max(matches.keys())] if len(matches) > 0 else None
return (
if isinstance(template, Template)
else Template(template) if template is not None else Template()
def text(
context: str,
content: str | None,
*args: Any,
locale: Locale | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Localize given text.
context: Label indentifying the context of the text to localize.
content: Text to localize.
args: Extra args to pass, if given text content is a template string.
Locale to use for localization.
Defaults to the currently activated locale.
Localized text.
if self.show_raw:
arg_str = (", " + ", ".join(args)) if len(args) > 0 else ""
return f"text('{content}'" + arg_str + f", context={context})"
base = self.get_overrides(Locale("en", "US"))
translation = self.get_overrides(locale or self.locale)
tmpl = (
self._machine_translate(content, locale) if content is not None else "{0}"
tmpl_args = [self.value(a, locale=locale) for a in args]
transl_template = self._get_template(translation, context, args)
base_template = self._get_template(base, context, args)
if transl_template.replace is not None:
tmpl = transl_template.replace
elif base_template.replace is not None:
tmpl = self._machine_translate(base_template.replace, locale)
if transl_template.wrap is not None:
tmpl = transl_template.wrap.format(tmpl)
elif base_template.wrap is not None:
tmpl = self._machine_translate(base_template.wrap, locale).format(tmpl)
if transl_template.args is not None:
if isinstance(transl_template.args, tuple):
tmpl_args = transl_template.args
elif isinstance(transl_template.args, dict):
tmpl_args = {
i: transl_template.args[i] if i in transl_template.args else a
for i, a in enumerate(tmpl_args)
elif base_template.args is not None:
if isinstance(base_template.args, tuple):
tmpl_args = [self.value(a, locale=locale) for a in base_template.args]
elif isinstance(base_template.args, dict):
tmpl_args = {
i: (
self.value(base_template.args[i], locale=locale)
if i in base_template.args
else a
for i, a in enumerate(tmpl_args)
return tmpl.format(*tmpl_args)
def label(
label: str,
context: str | None = None,
locale: Locale | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Localize given label.
label: Label to localize.
context: Context in which the label is used.
Locale to use for localization.
Defaults to the currently activated locale.
Localized label.
if self.show_raw:
return f"label('{label}', context={context})"
return (
self.text(context, None, label, locale=locale)
if context is not None
else self.term(label, locale=locale)
def value(
v: Any,
options: Format = Format(),
locale: Locale | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Return localized string represention of given value.
v: Value to localize.
options: Options for formatting.
context: Context in which the value is used.
locale: Locale to use for localization.
Localized value.
if self.show_raw:
return f"value({v})"
locale = locale or self.locale
base = self.get_overrides(Locale("en", "US"))
translation = self.get_overrides(locale or self.locale)
options = base.merge(translation).format.merge(options)
match (v):
case _ if v is None or pd.isna(v):
return options.na_representation
case float() | Decimal() | int():
fixed_digits = options.decimal_digits or options.decimal_min_digits or 0
max_digits = options.decimal_digits or options.decimal_max_digits or 6
group_sep = (
if options.decimal_group_separator is not None
else False
match (options.decimal_notation):
case "percent":
return format_decimal(
f"{''.join(['#']*(max_digits - fixed_digits))}%",
case "scientific":
return format_decimal(
f"{''.join(['#']*(max_digits - fixed_digits))}E00",
case "plain" | _:
return format_decimal(
f"{''.join(['#']*(max_digits - fixed_digits))}",
case datetime() | pd.Timestamp():
return format_datetime(
options.datetime_format or options.datetime_auto_format or "medium",
case date():
return format_date(
options.datetime_format or options.datetime_auto_format or "short",
case time():
return format_time(
options.datetime_format or options.datetime_auto_format or "medium",
case timedelta() | pd.Timedelta() if options.timedelta_auto_format != "raw":
return format_timedelta(
or options.datetime_auto_format
or "short"
granularity=options.timedelta_resolution or "second",
case pd.Interval() if isinstance(v.left, pd.Timestamp) and isinstance(
v.right, pd.Timestamp
# Only do locale-aware formatting for datetime intervals.
return format_interval(
v.left, v.right, skeleton=options.datetime_format, locale=locale
case Country():
if (
options.country_format == GeoScheme.country_name
or options.country_format is None
return locale.territories.get(
) or self.term(
return str(v.to(options.country_format))
case _:
return (
self.term(str(v), locale=locale)
if options.fallback_to_translation
else str(v)
active_localization: ContextVar[Localization] = ContextVar(
"active_localization", default=Localization()
def get_localization() -> Localization:
"""Get currently active localization."""
return active_localization.get()
def iter_locales(
locales: list[str] | None = None,
overrides: dict[str, Overrides] | None = None,
) -> Generator[Localization, None, None]:
"""Iterate over localizations for given locales w/ optional overrides.
Locales to iterate over.
If None, iterates over all locales, for which overrides are defined.
overrides: Optional text overrides for the localizations.
Generator of localizations.
if locales is None:
current_loc = get_localization()
locales = [str(k) for k in current_loc.override_dict.keys()]
if overrides is not None:
ovrd_locz = [str(k) for k in overrides.keys()]
locales = list(set(locales).union(ovrd_locz))
for loc in locales:
locz = Localization(loc=loc, overrides=overrides)
with locz:
yield locz
default_file_path = Path(environ.get("TEXTS_FILE_PATH") or (Path.cwd() / "texts.yaml"))
"""Default path to text overrides file."""
def load_from_file(path: Path | str | None = None) -> Path | None:
"""Load text overrides from file.
path: Path to file. If None, the default file path is used.
Path to the loaded file, if not given as argument.
res_path = path or default_file_path
with open(default_file_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
override_dict = load(f, Loader=CLoader)
assert isinstance(override_dict, dict)
overrides = {
str(loc): Overrides(**overrides) for loc, overrides in override_dict.items()
if path is None:
return Path(res_path)